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  • Johnna Temenoff, PhD

    Georgia Tech / Emory | MEMBER SINCE 2003

    SFB has always been my scientific home and is continually a great place to meet 'like minds.' Now it has become a venue to catch up with old friends and meet the next generation of biomaterials researchers.

  • Peter Edelman, PhD

    Boston Scientific | MEMBER SINCE 1987

    The Society For Biomaterials is a very well-run and unique professional society because of its size and focus. I joined SFB in 1987 while doing a post doc at the University of Washington and have enjoyed membership over a span of 27 years! Most of that time has been spent in industry. Key benefits for me are staying abreast of technology, getting re-educated with new technology or a different technology. I have made many excellent contacts that are helpful at work when I need to bring in a subject matter expert, either from academia or service providers. SFB meetings have made that possible, and are truly unique in our industry. I like the hallway conversations best. The size of the meeting meets meet the 'Goldilocks criteria": not too big, not too small, but just right. It is easy to start up a conversation with thought leaders. My favorite memory was at the meeting in Charlotte in 2015, Helen Lu and I were program co-chairs. That was a great meeting because of the team that worked hard to pull it off, down to the last poster presenter. For me, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a team pull together and create something magnificent out of thin air essentially. I think what I like most about attending SFB meetings is that it keeps me in contact with old friends and I have made some cool new friends who share a common interest. I have also benefitted from the leadership experiences, being involved with SIG leadership, the Program Committee and helping out with various other activities. It takes some time, which sometimes eats into my personal time, but I find it rewarding in the end.

  • Anne E. Meyer, PhD

    University at Buffalo | MEMBER SINCE 1985

    When I became a member of SFB, I was an analytical chemist working in a research and development organization.  With each new project at work, I was learning more about the challenges of implants, the materials proposed for use in those implants, and whether our analytical techniques were appropriate for understanding how biology and implant materials interacted.  The first SFB meeting that I attended was an absolute joy of learning new things and meeting new people!  That joy continues to this day because SFB meetings have such a good variety of topics and perspectives along the research, development, and commercialization spectrum.  Over the years, our Society For Biomaterials also provided me with many opportunities to develop leadership skills, which have been put into practice for SFB, my university, and other organizations. Society For Biomaterials is a community that gives to each individual, and that encourages each of us to pass that giving spirit along to our colleagues and students.

  • Jason A. Burdick, Ph.D.

    University of Pennsylvania | MEMBER SINCE 2001

    I have been a member of the Society for Biomaterials since I was a graduate student.  The Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting is the one meeting that I attend every year.  It is a great place to connect with friends and colleagues and to stay up to date on current biomaterials research.

  • Rebecca Carrier, PhD

    Northeastern University | MEMBER SINCE 2012

    What's so valuable about SFB membership to me is the networking opportunities it provides, specifically in terms of interactions with leading scientists in the biomaterials fields. The annual meetings are fantastic, and provide a great venue for sharing information on the latest advancements in biomaterials. The interactions with other members have led to collaborations that have been extremely helpful in my research.

  • Carl Simon, PhD


    SFB has been my home society since 2005 because it is the best fit to my research interests: measuring stem cell-material interactions. I have toured many other venues but keep coming back to SFB due to the high quality of the member scientists. Another draw has been the multiple opportunities to take on leadership roles. There are many elected and appointed positions, opportunities to organize scientific sessions at the annual meetings, and requests to contribute content to the website and society publications. I have benefited greatly from my involvement in SFB, which has provided me a forum for building many, lasting professional contacts that have borne fruit for years.

  • Elizabeth Friis, PhD

    University of Kansas | MEMBER SINCE 1991

    I attended my first SFB meeting in 1986 in Minneapolis with my graduate adviser. I loved how connected SFB seemed to be with industry issues! After graduate school, I worked with a former SFB president and he helped to foster my continued work with SFB, and I've been a member since 1991. I love the people and the focus on industry interactions and needs. I also love being able to learn about new developments in fields outside of my own all in one meeting. My favorite memory is the bash from the 1991 meeting in Scotsdale, AZ, where I connected with so many people who are still my friends. SFB has helped me stay connected to advances in the field, and been an outlet for me to connect with orthopaedic biomaterials peers throughout the world. I've also had tremendous opportunities to develop organizational and leadership skills that have benefited me and my institutions in many ways.

  • Andrés J. García, Ph.D., F.B.S.E.

    Georgia Institute of Technology | MEMBER SINCE 1993

    I have been an active member of SFB for more than 20 years as a student, post-doc, and faculty member. In addition to outstanding diverse professional opportunities for scientific discussions, networking and interactions with industry and government, the Society has provided a nurturing environment where I have developed many good and lasting friendships and had a lot of fun!

  • Natalie Artzi, PhD


    As a postdoc, SFB provided me with exposure, enabled collaborations with eminent professors and the formation of close relationships with the most influential people in my field. Now as a professor I am happy to contribute to shaping the society’s program and future directions, to interact with colleagues and to get to know talented students.

  • Robert Hastings

    DePuySynthes, Joint Reconstruction | MEMBER SINCE 1991

    I view the SFB as the premier forum for biomaterials research.  The Society makes it easy to locate expertise to help with new ideas and R&D efforts.  I look forward to the annual meeting to catch up with colleagues and learn about new technologies.  The regional “Biomaterials Days” are a great opportunity for companies and academic institutions to connect locally for sharing projects and potential employment.

  • Steve Little, PhD

    University of Pittsburgh | MEMBER SINCE 2006

    I would definitely say that the Society for Biomaterials has become (of all Societies) my academic home.  The people in SFB are clearly the most welcoming and helpful and the meetings are the most productive for me.  The Special Interest Groups provide members with a truly unique way to engage the Society that has no equivalent anywhere else.  If you are looking for a place to develop true relationships with the best Biomaterial scientists and engineers in the world, this is the Society for you.

SFB News

The Call for Abstracts deadline has been extended - Now Due MAY 8, 2023!